Friday, 15 August 2008


Thank you for your comments.

Aunty Ariza, your question that you gave me is a good question. The colours of the layers are correct. They are yellow, blue and green. How did you know? Do you know which layer is first, second and third? But I'm so proud of you being psychic. Yellow is the first aura. The second is blue and the green is the third nearest from the body. Do you know why the green is on the outside? Because there's a lot of nature around you when you walk outside. The green will disappear if he has become forgetful about something that is alive when he is owning it. The yellow is nearest to his body because he is kind and honest. When he gets lucky he gives charity to his friends or the poor.

The younger brother has violet single layer. He needs to improve himself to be good, to be kind.

I give you tips of how to be more psychic. If you see someone with layers, you think of what the colours are. They can be seen also by the light. Because the light reflects around the person that is like she/he is a mirror and you will see the shining aura infront of your eyes.

Hi Aunty Faizah, yes I remember you. For the character in your book I refer to that someday.


@Fitrah 15/08/08

1 comment:

Warisah said...

Fitrah, thank you so much for your detail answers. I forgot to find which layer comes first but I asked my inner self and congruent for the three colors.

Fitrah, can I ask you something?? From my experience, I will have this negative feeling or attitude towards something (it happens naturally) and most of the time, this something will not take place eventhough I try hard for it. It is as if my inner self is telling me that it is not destine to happen. Is this also a part of psychic?

Love u Always!
Aunty Ariza