Friday, 22 August 2008


Fitrah here. Wow, you said "MashaAllah" to us. We thank U for that. I will help you with your ability. I think that you are not only psychic but connected to ALLAH. You must be shocked of this news I have brought to you. Spiritual mind is yours. Take it and use it well. Insha Allah.
@Fitrah 21/08/08
p.s: Other auntys. aunty anura, aunty faizah and kak emila, write some more. put your picture.

Tuesday, 19 August 2008


Wow! I am amazed. I can't believe that you can do that. Now I feel like asking you questions. How? What? Why? That is only the questions I am asking you now. But, I will help you with the question that you gave me.

I will give you three meanings of what you said just now.

1. If you have the thing that is making you panicking, just reframe.
2. Always remember God in your heart.
3. Your final question, YES it is part of being psychic.
You see the picture, it means that the mother and the daughter are free from blackholes. It's because Allah is shining light to them. (My mom is quite shy when I put this picture.)
@Fitrah 19/08/08
p.s. Thank you for your comment.

Friday, 15 August 2008


Thank you for your comments.

Aunty Ariza, your question that you gave me is a good question. The colours of the layers are correct. They are yellow, blue and green. How did you know? Do you know which layer is first, second and third? But I'm so proud of you being psychic. Yellow is the first aura. The second is blue and the green is the third nearest from the body. Do you know why the green is on the outside? Because there's a lot of nature around you when you walk outside. The green will disappear if he has become forgetful about something that is alive when he is owning it. The yellow is nearest to his body because he is kind and honest. When he gets lucky he gives charity to his friends or the poor.

The younger brother has violet single layer. He needs to improve himself to be good, to be kind.

I give you tips of how to be more psychic. If you see someone with layers, you think of what the colours are. They can be seen also by the light. Because the light reflects around the person that is like she/he is a mirror and you will see the shining aura infront of your eyes.

Hi Aunty Faizah, yes I remember you. For the character in your book I refer to that someday.


@Fitrah 15/08/08

Monday, 4 August 2008


You can see these two brothers.Each one of them has an aura.
But one of them has layers of aura in different kind of colours.
There are 3 layers on the bigger brother. And the small brother has only one layer. The 3 layers are a symbol of that he has no blackhole, that means he's great, he's excellent.
The small brother is a bittttt... naughty. So the big brother has to teach the small brother to be kind, honest, polite and brave.
I have told you about the layers of the aura of the two brothers. But I have not mentioned colours. Can you see the colours of the layers of the auras of the two brothers in the picture? Write me your comment.
@Fitrah 04/08/08